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Project One

Hendrerit tincidunt vero vel eorum claritatem. Soluta legunt quod qui dolore typi. Vel dolore soluta qui odio non. Sollemnes minim eorum feugiat nihil nobis. Gothica dolor in legentis nihil quinta.

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Project Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt, nulla id accumsan ultrices, justo turpis adipiscing nunc, ac pellentesque ipsum massa id dui. Vivamus ut dui ut mi lobortis sodales. Nullam sollicitudin justo ut lorem.

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Project Three

In cursus vulputate enim at congue. Aenean eleifend lorem eu nisl convallis cursus. Phasellus dapibus magna est. Nullam viverra adipiscing rutrum.

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Project Four

Aliquam elit risus, volutpat quis, mattis ac, elementum eget, mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean cursus. Maecenas aliquam, ligula id egestas suscipit, nisi sapien dignissim nibh, ac vestibulum lorem urna in neque.

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Text Types in Three Main Genres

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Learning text types is presented as the main subject in English lesson for high school students. Most of the time during their time in high school, the students focus their attention to text types with each generic structure and what language used to construct the texts varying to each other. That generic structure and language features which are commonly found different from one text to another is used based on the purpose of each genres.

Text types in the three main genres which must be studied in high school specially designed for graduate competences standard (SKL) are:
This narrative genre includes narrative, recount, and news item. All these text types in narrative genres composed to tell and inform.
The texts which include in descriptive genres are report, descriptive, and explanation. These text genres are written to describe. They tend to use words with describing sense and not telling
Argumentative genres will cover analytical exposition, hortatory exposition and discussion. These text types explore reason to answer the question "why" and "how".

To enlarge our knowledge, texts are defined into three main genres which slightly different from the above classification referring to the high school graduate competences standard. According to nationalstrategies, the tree main genres which show the text types distinctions are as follow:
1. NARRATIVE which includes adventure, mystery, science fiction, fantasy, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, dilemma stories, dialogue, myths, legends, fairy tales, and fables.
2. NON-FICTION which accommodates discussion texts, explanatory texts, instructional text, persuasion texts, non-chronological reports and recounts.
3. POETRY which refers to free verse, visual poems and structured poems.

Original Article: click here

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